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Why M&K Restoration?

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A house with a brick walkway and a lawn.

You’ve probably noticed… there are a LOT of roofers out there. Your brother’s wife’s cousin’s uncle has a roofing company out of the back of his truck. You poll social media to find everyone tagging their friends and calling them roofers. It’s… daunting.

Who can you trust? Who will give you a straight answer, actually help with insurance, and be a company you can have peace of mind with? The truth is, it’s hard to know who to trust these days. But at M&K Restoration, we’re different.

Voted the Best

We’re not some fly-by-night roofer who operates out of the back of their truck. We’ve been serving Colorado for more than a decade. We’ve also been voted one of Colorado’s Best Roofer every year since 2013.

Every year.

That vote can’t be bought; it has to be earned. From customers. Customers we have served faithfully with honesty, integrity, and an above-and-beyond attitude. If that’s not a testament to our product, consistency, and dedication, we’re not sure what is.

The Proof Is In the Referrals

Want to know something else? For every billboard, every ad, every sign, every flyer… do you know what our number one source of business is? Referrals. Our customers bring us, other customers, all the time. Genuine word of mouth.

You can’t buy that kind of advertising. No amount of money will earn trust. Trust is earned.

If that doesn’t convince you that M&K Restoration is your next roofer, nothing will.