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Can I Replace My Roof in Colorado Winter?

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A picture of a house with snow on the ground.

A picture of a house with snow on the ground.


Can I Replace My Roof in Colorado Winter?

Sometimes, your roof needs replacing now — and it can’t wait for warmer temperatures. If your home’s roof is far from delightful, but the weather outside is frightful, don’t worry! An experienced roofing contractor will work with you to install your roof and protect your rocky mountain home as quickly as possible.

Why It’s Okay (and Sometimes Better) to Replace a Roof in the Winter

If you call around and talk to roofing contractors, some might tell you that it’s never okay to replace a roof in the winter, or when temperatures fall below freezing. They might mumble about adhesives not sealing properly, or claim that caulk won’t work in extreme cold.

It might sound like a reasonable explanation, but is it accurate? Do roofing materials simply stop working when the temps dip too low?

The answer is simple: NO. Not only can you replace a roof in the winter, it might even be better for your roof’s longevity if you do.


Here’s WHY…

The Sealant Used For Asphalt Shingles

If you’re like the majority of homeowners in the U.S., you have an asphalt shingle roof. Shingles contain a strip of sealant (also called adhesive or glue) that interacts with warm temperatures — which you normally get during summer, late spring and fall — resulting in an automatic seal. The sealant should seal on its own due to a combination of heat and pressure. Shingles are also nailed down to prevent them from curling up.

In cold temperatures, however, the roofing crew must hand-seal each shingle to ensure the sealant bonds properly. In other words, M&K Restoration can’t rely on natural heat from the sun to activate the seal. As any experienced roofing professional knows, hand-sealing takes a bit longer, but it ensures that each and every shingle is sealed. Meaning, your roof replacement is monitored shingle by shingle instead of relaying on natural elements.


M&K Roof Crew’s Experience

 It’s also important to note why it’s so important to work with a roofing contractor that only hires experienced roofing professionals. A knowledgeable crew knows when a roof requires hand-sealing, and they make sure to follow the manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines for sealants and temperatures.

Homeowners may find that some roofing companies charge less in the winter months because they experience a slump in business when the weather is cold. When you work with an experienced contractor, however, you can expect them to be busy year-round.

While you might be tempted to take advantage of a lower price, remember that reputable roofing companies stay busy for a reason — they deliver a high-quality job with high-quality materials that will last for decades. If your roof needs replacing now, and it can’t wait until summer, make sure you work with a company that will take the time to hand-seal each and every shingle. And if you’re concerned about how long your roof will last, you should only work with a highly experienced and local roofing company that stands behinds its work.

(Check out our 5 star reviews here).

Contact M&K Today For A Free Property Inspection & Free Estimate

Is your roof nearing the end of its lifespan? Not even sure what you roof looks like or its condition?! You’re not alone! Give us a call for your free inspection and we will gladly climb on your roof for you! You don’t have to wait until summer to replace it. Call M&K Restoration to schedule your free property inspection, free estimate and discuss your roof replacement needs. Call today at (303) 548-4982.