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A house with the words " 5 of the worst things that you can do to your roof."

A house with the words " 5 of the worst things that you can do to your roof."

Colorado winter is coming to an end, and that means unpredictable spring weather including anything from severe hail storms to tornadoes and everything in between. Our homes take a beating throughout the year, but spring and summer seem to be the harshest of the seasons. The upcoming months do not have to take a toll on your roof though. Whilst severe weather systems are a given throughout the mile high city, you can do a few things to reduce the risk of damage to your roof. We have put together the five dos and don’ts’ of roof maintenance and care.

  1. Pressure Hoses

Seeing a lot of moss or mould on your roof? The first thought you might have is to get on the roof with a pressure cleaner and wash away the problem. Despite the idea being a great start to maintaining your roof, unless you know exactly the best way to pressure clean a roof, you could do more damage than leaving the mould in place. Check your roof material, and then check the manufacturer recommended cleaning method.

Pressure cleaners provide an intense stream of water which can remove the top layer of your roof protectant along with the offending mould and mildew. If you don’t want to run the risk or if you are not sure the best way to clean the roof, give the team at M&K Restoration a call, we are happy to come out and provide advice on the maintenance of your roof.

  1. Trees

We must say this a lot, but you can never be too careful with trees and bushes around the home. Not only do they drop leaves and debris into gutters, they can provide a springboard for fires to your home. Check your local regulations, but your home should always have a cleared area around it to prevent certain issues arising from trees being too close, including falling branches in summer storms and giving embers in fires a good start at your home.

  1. Storm Season

Gutters and Drains work to take storm water away from your roof, and to stop it seeping into your roof cavity causing havoc on your home. Cutting back your trees for storm season is the perfect first step, however you need to also make sure your gutters and drains have a free and clear run; to allow them to drain stormwater quickly and efficiently away from your home.

  1. Checking for Leaks

Whilst checking and changing roof tiles can seem like a simple and easy job, you could unintentionally cause damage to roof tiles that were perfect beforehand. Moving tiles can scratch them or those around them and remove the protective coating.

Some roofing materials can also be difficult to put back into place, and you could cause more damage and leaks than you had originally. It is best to call a professional like M&K Restoration to get the job done safely and without causing further damage.

  1. DIY Solar Panels and Satellite Dishes

These types of home improvements should always be left to the professionals, in some cases these items need to be installed by a licensed technician and by doing it yourself, you can void the product warranty, cause damage to your roof and even void your home insurance.

If your roof is damaged this spring and summer storm season, or you are unsure of the maintenance needed, contact us today for a regular roof check-up. Avoid costly mistakes and discover how M&K Restoration can help you and your home by getting in touch today. Call to speak to one of our friendly experts at 303-548-4982, or you can fill in our contact form and we will be in touch shortly.


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